Need to talk?
116 123 (24hrs / 7 days)
Dorset HealthCare helpline: Connection
0800 652 0190 (24hrs / 7 days)
Give us a shout:
Text SHOUT to 85258
The CALMzone:
0800 585858 (5pm till midnight daily)
Start talking to those close to you.
By simply talking with one and another, we can improve our mental health and those around us. It can start with a message or a phone call.
"The best thing I ever did was reach out to a friend"
Light on supporter

Our campaign.
A network across Dorset, growing wellbeing communications and community pledges to develop a new normal.
People experiencing this change in their social lives, their workplaces and local interactions.
Mental wellbeing
Tips, tools, interviews and events to develop a long term sustainable understanding of our mental health journey.
Creating wellbeing in yourself and others to give resilience and support in life's harder times.
A shared action and awareness partnership across public, private, charity and associations under one Light On brand.
Change the normal by interacting with people in their environments from their people.
How have you been feeling lately?
There are simple things we can all do to look after our mental wellbeing. Take the short Mind Plan Quiz from Every Mind Matters to get a free NHS plan, full of tailored tips and
advice to help you manage stress, sleep better and boost your mood.
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